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Capital Allocators – Inside the Institutional Investment Industry

Jun 30, 2022

Today’s final episode of Crypto for Institutions 2 is a special Sponsor Insight from Anchorage Digital.

Diogo Monica is the Co-Founder and President of Anchorage, the first federally chartered digital bank. Our conversation covers Diogo’s uniquely qualified background for his role, the importance and implementation of digital asset custody, and Anchorage’s client-driven extensions from custody into brokerage, lending, staking, and governance. We close covering the creation of the bank, partnerships with Visa, and what’s next for the company and its clients. Be sure to stick around for the closing questions to hear Diogo’s perspective on exceptional hiring practices for startups.

We are incredibly grateful to Anchorage Digital for sponsoring Crypto for Institutions 2, and are eager to highlight their value to the investment community.

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