May 20, 2024
Brett Barakett is the Founder and Chief Investment Officer of Tremblant Capital, a 23-year-old long-short equity and long-only firm focused on deep fundamental stock research with a senior team that has been together for at least sixteen years. Brett has invested through rising and falling tides in the industry, ups and downs in fund flows, and alongside friends and peers who have since retired. Yet he keeps skating to where the puck is going.
Our conversation covers Brett’s path to launching Tremblant,
including lessons from hockey, operational experience, and the
early days in a terrible market for the strategy. We discuss the
long-short and long-only models, primary research, portfolio
construction, sell decisions, risk management, compensation
structure, and Tremblant’s launch of TOGA, one of the first active
ETFs run by a longstanding hedge fund manager.
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